
You'll find me here


Seefeldstrasse 27, 3rd floor
8008 Zürich

Fax:   +41 43 268 42 81

Appointment Request

For consultations as patient: Please fill out the contact form completely.
I will get in touch with you afterwards.

For other concerns, please email me at DWRja2JNZGN+YWRraCNuZQ@nospam.

Order Form

If the referral GP to health insurance has not yet been made, please download the relevant form here, have it filled out by your GP and send it to your health insurance. Please bring a copy of it to our first session.

Missed Sessions

The agreed session dates are binding for both parties. If appointments are missed or not canceled at least 24 hours in advance (from Monday to Friday till 12:00), I must charge at the agreed rate (regardless of the reason for cancellation).

Contact Form
