Legal Notice
Website Operator
Tatianna Ramser
Seefeldstrasse 27
8008 Zürich
+41 79 127 87 23
Website Creation
Liability Disclaimer
Despite careful checking of content, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked websites are solely responsible for the content of these sites.
By using our site, you confirm that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to comply with them.
If you do not agree to these terms of use, you must not use our site.
My Liability
I am a psychotherapist who follows the rules of my regulatory bodies. I also have my own set of terms and conditions, and any therapeutic contract will be drawn up between you and me.
Inslife provides the counselling rooms and administrative services only. Inslife will not accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from contact or work with the therapist, myself. Any complaint against the therapist should be raised with the therapist in the first instance and, if necessary, escalated to their respective member organization.
The entire website is subject to Swiss legislation regarding copyright and intellectual property. All printing rights are reserved. This also applies to all downloadable documents, graphics and images. It is forbidden to reproduce the entire website, or a part thereof, on an electronic medium or on paper, except with the express permission of the operator. If content on this site was not created by me, the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected. Nevertheless, in the event that you become aware of a possible copyright infringement, please contact me without delay so that I can remove content that is in violation of the law.
Data Protection
It is generally possible to use my website without providing personal information. If personal information is collected on my websites (e.g., via the contact form / newsletter), this is done on a voluntary basis. Of course, this information is handled in a confidential manner and is not disclosed to third parties.